This traditional Italian salad has a wonderful twist with pesto drizzled on top. The combination of flavorful heirloom tomatoes, creamy mozzarella and the hint of pesto makes for a delicious salad or side dish for a meal.

1 pint heirloom tomatoes, as is or sliced in half
½ pint mozzarella bocconcini, as is or sliced in half
Pesto (please see recipe)
Olive oil

Combine the tomatoes and mozzarella in a small bowl. You may need to slice these ingredients in half if they aren’t already bite sized. Set the bowl aside. In a small prep dish, place a tablespoon of pesto and mix with about 1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil. Stir to combine. Drizzle over the tomatoes and mozzarella. 
